Beginners guide by a beginner.

Tips and tricks for budding creative writers.

Neelchandra Roy
4 min readJun 6, 2022
Image source- Unsplash

Being a beginner in any field comes with a ton of self doubts along with the excitement to start a career.

I have been working professionally as a copywriter and content writer for over 2 years now. I have started writing since the time I had no idea about the existence of content and copywriting as a proper career. And now after doing it for years I still introspect whether this is a feasible career to choose for the rest of my life.

Even after writing for several companies that focuses on different set of target audience, I still have self doubts before taking up any new projects.

I’m sure most of you must be facing the same thing on a regular basis. But, this is what lets you to keep learning more and getting inspired by the works of others around you.

Dear fellow writers, do you agree that coming up with a heading for your content is tougher than writing pages after pages on the given topic?

Yes, the heading is what consumes most of the time and creativity. The very heading is the part which decides that whether the rest of your content is worth giving a read.

When you are working with the creative team, there is a constant fear of being criticized for your work and the fear of getting your ideas rejected. We all agree that it becomes tricky to always make your content or copy related to the brand. But well you have to do that anyway.

Be honest, don’t get second thoughts of changing your existing career?

No matter how much you love to write as a creative writer, but there comes a time when you get seconds thoughts of switching your career for a easier career option where you don’t have to squeeze the last drop of your creative juice every single day to produce something worth reading.

So, here’s what you need to do on a daily basis:

Read more than you write-

Image source- Unsplash

If you see someone who says “I like to write but I don’t like reading”, keep one arm distance from them. It is proven that if you want to produce good content, you have to read the content written by others. It will not just help you to come up with better words but also give you inspiration regarding what kind of content sells better.

Keep your senses open-

Inspiration can come from anywhere and at any form whatsoever, so you need to be alert and active to grab it from your surroundings. Heard a good word from someone? Search it on google and try using it in your next content. This is how your content will develop its quality overtime even without you noticing it.

Make drafts-

Image source- iStock

Idea can strike at any point of the day or night, these ideas are like shooting stars, once you miss the sight you don’t see them again. This is the reasons that it is suggested to make a note of the ideas whenever they strike you. Drafting can be done in any form, either you can make a rough note or store it as a voice recording (as I do it when ideas strike me at midnight). Let’s face it, we don’t get the same degree of kickass ideas all the time, so it’s safe to store them when we find one.

Ideas are out there-

Social media is the storehouse of content, pay a visit once in a while. Though it’s recommended not to waste much of your time on social media, but you can’t deny the fact that most of the content ideas comes from there itself. While there is a difference between using and abusing, you need to know where to draw the line.

This much for today. I’ll be sharing with you whatever I collect on my journey as a creative writer. So stay tuned for more and keep supporting this budding creative writer.

Feedbacks are always welcome.

